Shisei Ryu Aiki Budo

Gary Ducote, Kaiso was a person whose persona was shared with me by the now Soke-Jeff Lane who at the time was one of Gary's Shodans of the Keichu-do system when I started my martial arts journey in 1987. Years ago,  Jeff would always talk about him reverently and admirably. Years later, I was researching and trying to find a replacement instruction manual for Keichu-Do when I was pointed in his direction. A couple of phone calls later, I was having a conversation with Master Ducote; Kaiso was engaging and very knowledgeable. We discussed what I had been doing martial arts-wise, and he listened and interjected questions as the conversation progressed. I listened to him discuss martial arts and the Shisei Ryu Aikibudo system. After talking for nearly an hour, Gary said to me, "You need to come down here.", meaning to DeRidder, LA, for a Blackbelt seminar. I did not expect him to induct me into the Shisei Ryu Aikibudo Kai as a Black Belt and make me a part of his system.  I was and still am deeply honored and have tremendous respect for the man. 

Gary Ducote Quotes of things he imparted to me:

Jeff Lane - Soke (Nanadan) is an inspiring martial arts leader and teacher in the Shisei Ryu Aikibudo Kai. Recognized as the Head of the Hombu Dojo and an esteemed friend. I am honored to know him and trained by him in the Art of Shisei Ryu Aikibudo. He has a way of making things very simple and understandable. His form in action is very crisp and powerful with a technician's precision. 

Southeastern Martial Arts Academy,
6574 NW Selvitz Rd
Port St. Lucie, Fl,  34983 
Phone:   (561) 376-5036  